Intent android studio javadoc
Intent android studio javadoc

intent android studio javadoc

Static Broadcast Receivers – These types broadcast receiver declared in manifest file and works even when the app is closed.Using broadcast you can receive system data like getting sms information form the device in. For deep details you can visit developer google site.

intent android studio javadoc

To use broadcast you have to declare the receiver in file in android studio. The system delivers various broadcasts to system events such as when the system boots up and the device starts charging.įor example you can put your phone on Aeroplane mode that uses broadcasts. A broadcast is a message that any app can receive. You can deliver a broadcast to other apps by passing an Intent to sendBroadcast(). You can bind by passing an Intent to bindService(). You can bind a service with another component if the service is designed with a client-server-interface. And for Version earlier than 5.0 you can start a Service with the help of Service class. Like downloading anything from the serverĪfter Android 5.0 you can start a Service with the help of JobScheduler. The Service is a component in android studio that performs operation in background without user interface. You have to create an intent filter inside the tag. You can use Intent Filters as below in file for launch and Activity. For this Intent Filters are used in class in android studio. Generally we create a Splash activity which launches when the app starts. To launch an Activity when the app starts, Intent Filter is used. Here I am receiving the value into a string as above. Put the name of the key that you create in the first argument of the putExtra() method while calling the other class. String name = intent.getStringExtra("key_name") To get values from intent into another class, the getIntent() and getStringExtra () method is used. Create context if you not have in adapter class. Note : Use context.startActivity() in adapter class to call an intent. Intent intent = new Intent(this, SecondClass.class)

Intent android studio javadoc